How to choose a facial cleanser that suits your skin. Solve your doubts. What kind of skin type should choose a facial cleanser?

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How to choose a facial cleanser that suits your skin. Solve your doubts. Acne, dry skin, oily skin, what kind of facial cleanser should I use? If anyone wants a clear face and can choose a facial cleanser to solve their facial skin problems directly, don’t miss it.

How to choose a facial cleanser that suits your skin. Solve your doubts. What kind of skin type should choose a facial cleanser?

foam is suitable for your skin type. 1. Facial foam for dull skin

          If any of you are experiencing problems with your face being dark and damaged from the sun, as well as acne scars, freckles, melasma, and dark spots, we recommend using a facial foam that contains AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acids, which are extracts from sour fruits. They will help remove dead skin cells from the skin, revealing new skin that looks naturally white and clear.

2. Facial foam for dry skin

          Many girls with dry skin will probably enjoy using a facial foam with soft foam. But did you know? The more foam there is, the more moisture it draws out of the ทางเข้า ufabet skin. Which is caused by surfactants that help create foam. Therefore, foam with a lot of foam is not suitable for girls with dry skin. It will irritate the skin and cause dryness and flaking. It is recommended to use a facial foam with less foam, a liquid texture like milk and moisturizing ingredients such as oil or hyaluronic acid.

3. Facial foam for oily skin

         A problem that bothers most girls is oily face and large pores, which is one cause of acne. Washing your face is the best way to remove oil on the face. However, you should not wash your face more than twice a day because it will irritate the skin. Girls with oily skin should choose to use a facial foam with charcoal or alpha and beta hydroxy acids (AHAs / BHAs), which will help control oil on the face and clean the pores very well.

4. Facial foam for combination skin.

          Girls with both dry and oily skin, or what is called combination skin, should use a facial foam that helps balance the skin, is free of oil ingredients, but does not make the skin dry and tight to the point of irritation. It also must be effective in removing dirt on the face and pores very well. However, products that contain salicylic acid, alcohol, and benzoyl peroxide should be avoided because they will make the dry skin even drier.

5. Facial foam for sensitive skin.

          Sensitive skin should be especially careful when choosing a facial cleanser. General foaming facial cleansers have an electrical charge that is opposite to the skin, causing them to attract each other. Therefore, it is easy for residue to form when the face is not cleaned properly. Therefore, it is better to choose a foaming facial cleanser with a fine texture that is easy to rinse off or a gentle non-foaming gel facial cleanser. It also must not contain fragrances, parabens, alcohol, or alpha and beta hydroxy acids (AHAs/BHAs) that can easily irritate the skin.

6. Facial foam for people with acne
          For girls with acne problems, just washing your face to get clean is not enough. You have to eliminate the cause of acne with a facial foam that contains salicylic acid and lipo hydroxy acid, which will help fight excess oil on the face and remove dirt to prevent acne breakouts.