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Pomegranate Soda juice How to Make Pomegranate soda. Easy to do and eat by yourself. What can be eaten with pomegranates? Cool and refreshing health drinks and fruit juices.

A delicious drink recipe for today presents a simple juice from pomegranate. The secret to the deliciousness of Pomegranate Soda is fresh ingredients, flavoring, sweetness, and tingling together perfectly.

Water ingredient for pomegranate Soda

  • 2 pomegranates
  • 1 oz ufabet syrup
  • 1 bottle of soda
  • Ice

The process of making pomegranate soda

  1. Squeezes pomegranate juice from pomegranate seeds. To get intense pomegranate juice
  2. Mix pomegranate juice, syrup and soda. Serve the pomegranate soda with ice cold.

Pomegranate is a healthy fruit. By the benefits of pomegranate and its properties are abundant. Pomegranate is a sweet, sour fruit, so pomegranate juice has high vitamin C and also contains various minerals that are beneficial to the body. Thus helping to fight free radicals as well And in addition, it also has medicinal properties as well, such as alleviating the symptoms of heart disease. Treat high blood pressure Reduces the state of coagulation of blood. Treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, etc.

Pomegranate Soda Soda drink How to Make Pomegranate Soda Easy to do and eat by yourself. Health drink Recommended recipes for refreshing drinks, fruit juice, pomegranate soda.